A Recipe for Disaster (Some Say)

I'm back with my girlfriend: we started out as friends, I stayed over for a week at hers to give my parents - whom I'd been staying with - a break. It all went a bit tits up that time but this time it's fine. It can be a little volatile, as you may expect when two personalities such as ours live together but we understand one another.

We have many doubters and still more who have disowned us. Others too who think we've rushed into things but we've moved at a pace which suited us; I was here helping out a friend and things just developed naturally. My other half is gorgeous and could have anyone she wants but for some reason she's chosen to be with me. Apparently it's simply because I'm me: intelligent, funny, good dress sense and all that.

(Incidentally, I phoned a book shop earlier and asked if they had any books on shelves).

Despite our doubters, I've found true love again. This one's stunningly pretty and fit, and twelve years my junior, she can take care of my fights too. We're living together, effectively engaged and very much devoted. I'm home and as in previous places of residence, I wear the apron. Last night I made what was proclaimed to be the best cheesy mash ever, although she'd not eaten for a while. It was also the first hot meal I'd had for a while. The mash I made by baking potatoes and scraping them out. Then I loaded the skins with cheese and some bacon which needed using: two meals using just stuff that needed using. 

Part of the process of moving in is collecting various bits and clothes from previous residences. A very good friend has been helping with this and I'm indebted. Until my clothes are gathered here, I'm fortunate that me and the better half are the same size, so I can borrow clothes (jeans, not dresses).

Right now we're watching TV. Well, she is; I'm writing this. I'm home.

I'm home: lots of bridges to cross whilst I'm rebuilding the ones I burned but we'll do it, together. We have benefits and housing to sort out (we both need to move on).

I'll post this but things changed after I wrote it. I'll need to abridge the rest as I wrote about twenty pages and I have less than an hour in the library...
