Soon After Dark


It turns out my former / current / absent housemate's surname is Bowie: how apt.

I met some more people today during my travels: Sophie, who's drawn me a flower, a heart, a stick man and a bottle of cider. She's also given me her mobile number. Despite appearances though, she's only 15: oops!

Also Georgia, who's drawn me a massive flower and who's alcoholic: "We're the same! :)"

Sophie has texted me since. When she's older...

In any case, the three of us had a fun night and they furnished me with tobacco.

It's Saturday as I write this. Tomorrow is Sunday (no shit). I hate Sundays as there's nothing to do and everywhere is closed. Therefore - despite the cold - I shall wash and get changed (clothes) at Gilbert House.

"Sir, you are clearly a more intelligent man than I, which is why you sit there and I stand before you. I shall let you be the judge".

(Random thought for an inclusion in a story sometime).

