The Man Who Loved Letters

Being a printing type (no pun intended: that was my profession), I've browsed the library reference section and found a couple of things: a bit about Martin Hardie (the artist my parent's road is named after (I've sent them the info)) and a huge section (well, a bookcase) on printing: typefaces, processes, colours; I'm in Heaven.

I'm currently leafing through An Encyclopaedia of Typefaces, by W. Turner Berry (Librarian; The Saint Bride Institute) and A. F. Johnson of The British Museum. Fascinating stuff.

To illustrate the letters, descenders and so on, each font is represented by a different sentence; some of which would make make great titles for stories. For example:

"Printing is the art preservative": Iris (that's the typeface name);

"General Electric Syracuse": Forum;

"Rotations Machine": Graphic;

"Certain Personal Matters": Holla;

"The rotation is continuous and the bottom part touches the color": Juvento / Muriel;

(Love that one!)

"In desparation for a great drive, to stimulate interest": Mayfair Cursive;

"Bohemian architecture exhibited. Many homes of unusual designs are to be constructed": Verona;

"Beautiful nylon lingerie": Verona (again);

"Greater appeal with strong dignity": Radiant;

"Hotel Scribecanp": Graphique;

"Fine old table wine": Plastica;

"Metropol cinema": Borgund.

Lots of ideas and inspiration.

In other news, I've been told that my former housemate at Gilbert House insn't a murderer. He's still at large (and very large) but didn't actually serve time for that crime.
