Mend and Make Do

29.03.14 (Day 97)


This is the third ad-libbed post in as many posts as I'm getting used to this netbook thing and making it my own, finding it very easy to get on with and eschewing the hand-written journal when circumstances allow. Like most of the time I'm in McDonald's, like now. And for once I'm not surrounded by the teenage fanclub.

I've been asked by the manager to mention the manager. I've pointed out that I don't tend to mention people by name, so King Ding-a-ling, Hi! FFS! The things I do to be allowed to spend three hours drinking a coffee.

Despite saying that I wasn't going to tackle Gilbert House because of my back and even though I saw certain people last night, I grew bored earlier and decided to tackle the concrete bunker. Five hours of hard slog and it's looking okay. One room down at least and just another three to do. I was helped by some neighbours and reclaimed things. And my back is fucking agony! Thank fuck I've reclaimed my bed.

I look a right state though as I did some painting and managed to paint my hands in the process. Manicures are me: Goth / Emo ones (the paint was black; still is).

Not only am I getting used to this netbook but I love it. As soon as I got my head around Android, it all joined up; a bit like Windows 8 on my Lumia. Always the L337 933K.
