26.06.14 (Day 186)
04.42 (Really!?)
Yesterday revolved around the courts: courts of law and our Courts: we lost but we won; I lost but I won.
The less important case first: that which was heard at the County Court:
I turned up. I find it helps to do that.
Then Nick The Bike (so-called because his name is Nick and he rides a bike) and Phil The Para (an ex-paratrooper called Phil: we spend a lot of time coming up with these names. Steve The Snake took ages) turned up. Nick arrived by bike, surprisingly. Phil didn't parachute in. Both arrived on a tip-off that I may need moral support: I did.
The next cast member to arrive was the claimant. He shook hands with the defendant (me) and we exchanged niceties, as has been our way. No Ill feelings. He wants me out of his way and I want to be out of his.
Then the claimant's barrister, who asked if I had any objection to the claim: no.
Apparently the barrister has been reading this blog (Hi Louise).
Pleasantries were exchanged in the waiting room before both parties were called to sit before the judge. One pleasantry was the claimant complimenting me on my writing: he reads it too (Hi Bill).
I'm not sure if the judge reads this but if so, good morning Your Honour. You are a credit to your profession. I'm sure there are few judges who would wink at a defendant, allegedly of course.
My wingmen sat in on the case and said afterwards that my charm and cheek were just me being me.
The judge asked if he was responsible for my housing situation and whether there was any reason for him to not grant the Possession Order. No on both counts.
So the order was granted and the judge explained the legal process which will now follow. He also mentioned that the legal process may take time and could be held up by further spanners in the works. It was at this point that he had some dirt in his eye.
So we're here for a few days at least.
Someone who's not here is The Courts and others who read this blog will be pleased to hear that she's gone.
She's gone back to her real mum; not her foster carer but her actual mum, who she's been estranged from for some time. She's going to pay rent. She's going to college. She's taken on voluntary work with one of the local churches. She left here a better person than she was when she arrived.
I gave her a bible. I inscribed it: "One day my little girl, all of this will make sense."
And who turned that child around? She did. I'm proud, of her.
I lost that one too but I won.
Testament to what we do here.
And here are some more:
Dear Steve
I will say something about you. Since Meghann has made friends with you, she has started to change for the better. She seems to be more thoughtful to me and Matt and I put that down to you and your little talks she says you have with her. You have an abundance of patience with all of the kids that have taken over what was your home once. I know when you eventually do leave Meggie and all the children you have taken under your wing will feel a huge loss and sadness in their heart's, for in such a short time you have known some of them I know you have made a great change in their life and you know who I am talking about. Hope this can be of use to you.
From Annie
(A parent)
Further names withheld to protect my innocents:
I aint good with goodbyes and i aint allowed out till abit after 4 goodluck second daddy miss you x
it will be fine steve we are all behind u no matter what ya like another dad to me uve been there for me and im so so greatful xxx
Ill miss you steve u have all my love
im ganna miss u u have been there for me and im so greatful hope we still stay in touch xx
I'm always gonna be a text away of you need a chat Steve good luck with everything will miss you I wish the best for you x
Hey Steve, I reckon you're a pretty good judge of character so to get your approval meant something to me. I'll really miss you and the rest of the family and I hope we'll stay in touch and that you never forget me, because I don't forget people that have influenced my life. Good luck wherever you're going, but thanks for the memories; they've been fun while they've lasted.
Take care,
And so they go on: and what do all of these people have in common? They're teenagers. Young people who the system considers it inappropriate that I associate with (except the police: they're fine). That same system is closing us down. The system they all ran from thinks it can do better. Good luck. They'll run from you and back to me, if they can find me.
Catch us if you can.
I lost. They won. They lost. I won.
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