(Image source: Zetaboards)
This incredible story begins very unexpectedly, with a decimal point. As with many stories, this one involves something being out of place. In this case, that was a decimal point.
I'd left my desk to make some coffee and as I came back into the study, I thought I saw something move on the sheet of paper in my typewriter. I was writing a little fantasy science fiction story for a magazine and I'd hit a bit of a block near the beginning, so I'd taken a break. It's funny how things work in fiction sometimes and having that little pause was what I needed to start the story properly.
Before I continued writing, I re-read the little I'd already typed: something wasn't right. I checked my research notes, wondering if I'd misinterpreted something but nothing sprang out. I looked back up at the paper in the typewriter and that's when I noticed a decimal point had moved. I looked more closely and my original decimal point was still where I'd put it, so this other one had just appeared. Then it moved again: The one which had simply materialised, walked across the page. It didn't have discernible legs but it moved nonetheless.
I picked up my magnifying glass from the side table to get a closer look at this little moving thing. It wasn't a powerful magnifier: a full stop on a sheet of paper became the size of a grain of cous cous. Even at that low magnification though, I could see that the little round thing had a dull silver metallic sheen. It was like the little silverfish things I used to find in the bath, but round and very much smaller. I moved the magnifying glass in and out, to try to get the best clarity and I noticed that this little circular thing cast a minute shadow. So it was supported by something; perhaps it did have legs.
For a whole minute, I just looked at the thing and wondered what on earth it could be. Then the intrigue doubled, as another little silverfish thing rushed in from stage left under the glass. Then the two just sat there, about an inch apart. Were they about to mate? Were they rivals, sizing one another up? What were they? They remained motionless and so did I.
How long was I going to sit there, looking at two whatevers? I wasn't going to find out much else with my little magnifying glass. Even if one of them had popped out a hand to wave at me, I wouldn't have seen it. So what was I to do? Brush them aside as inconsequential and forget about them? Squash them? Put them outside? The next part required some precision planning and application. The two little creatures, things; whatever they were, were at the top of the sheet of paper, above the impression cylinder of my typewriter. If I was going to catch them, I'd need to support the paper from behind, while placing a receptacle over them.
I spend most of my waking hours at the typewriter, so I like to keep as much as I can within easy reach of my writing desk. It was fortuitous that I had conjunctivitis and an eye bath proved to be the perfect dome to place over this little infant colony of mine. I slid them gently, under the dome to the edge of the sheet and onto a drink coaster. Then I turned the whole thing over and tapped the coaster, so that the full stops dropped into the eye bath. Finally, I put cling film over the top and wondered what to do next; who to phone who might not think me a crank.
Let's assume that I'm not acquainted with anyone in any of the specialist fields one might require in such a situation. Because I'm not. So I took my newly acquired pets to a vet.
Not having any pets besides my two decimal points, full stops, or whatever they were, I wasn't registered with a vet. I didn't want to register with a vet any more than I wanted two potentially dangerous full stops. I didn't know what I had and I didn't even know if it was a vet I needed. And so it was that I ended up at the People's Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA).
As a first time customer, I had to fill out a form: My name, address, contact number and so on; and pet's name. And whether the pet is a pedigree breed. The PDSA will treat one pedigree animal per human client. I couldn't decide between my two, so I declared them both non-pedigree. Cross breed or mixed? Not applicable? Names: Dot and Dash. Because they were both small and one was more active than the other; I was quite pleased with that.
I took a seat in the waiting area with some pets and their owners. There was a large pit bull cross breed opposite us and he had a dog. I imagined them as small as Dot and Dash: Someone could place a dome over them and take them away, to find out exactly what species they were. I allowed myself an inner smile as a ray of sunshine broke into the room and I imagined studying them under a magnifying glass. I'd have to focus the light just right for the best view. Who'd have known that spontaneous combustion was so common at that magnification? But my mind was wandering.
There was a rather attractive young lady called Cat. Appropriately enough, Catherine's owner was a cat: a ginger tom called Blue: I liked that. I really hoped no-one would ask me anything at all. But Cat asked me what I had. Well, I couldn't be sure but I was certain they hadn't jumped off of me: That's why I was at the vet's and not the doctor's. I looked down at Dot and Dash, wondering how I'd approach this. Soon, we were called to a room:
"Mr Fry." A lady's voice. Dash was on the move again in all directions, while Dot seemed to be exploring the perimeter of their container. "Mr Fry", the lady called again. That's me.
"Oh, yes. That's me."
"I'm Doctor Jones. But you can call me Hannah."
Hannah: What a lovely name for such an attractive young lady. It was lovely because it was a palindrome and because it belonged to Doctor Hannah Jones. She was small and pretty, with red hair.
"Hannah." I said. "That's a pretty name."
"Thanks. I got it for my birthday. And I don't have any sisters. So, what have you brought along to show me?"
"I was hoping you could tell me that."
Doctor Jones' bedside manner was very relaxing and she put me at ease as she seemed to take a genuine interest in what I'd brought along to show her. She had one of those magnifying lamps above her examination table and the scene which that presented was the kind of thing to give a science fiction writer an idea: As Doctor Jones pulled the lamp over our two subjects, it was like a great mother ship shining a light into a dome, brought to earth and containing alien species.
Doctor Jones moved the light around, just as I had my magnifying glass before. Then she said the oddest thing: "I don't think these are animals."
"I'm sorry. So what are they?"
"Until I get a closer look, I don't know. But they look and behave as though at least one of them might be mechanical."
I said the first thing which came to mind: "What?" Then the next thing: "Why are they here?"
"Because you brought them here? Where did you find them?"
"They sort of appeared in the middle of a story I was working on. I'm a writer you see?"
"Well, you came to the right place. Follow me."
"Where are we going?"
"To the lab."
The lab was what seemed like a couple of miles away, through corridors which all looked the same: white, with strip lighting which was a bit blue-ish. I hoped I was doing the right thing, because there was no way I'd have found my way back out of there and I'd not brought any string to leave a trail. We walked at a fairly leisurely pace and I half wondered if there might be a film crew following us but when I looked behind, there were no cameras or fluffy mic. I walked behind Doctor Jones. The corridors were quite narrow and I wanted to leave room for anyone who might be coming the other way. But no-one passed.
I looked down at the two things in my eye bath, knowing they must be there, even though I couldn't see them at that distance. Mechanical? Nano machines?
Glancing up at Doctor Jones, it occurred to me that she had a slightly curious gait: not so much masculine as such but a walk which didn't immediately betray the walker's gender. The fiction writer woke in my head again and I wondered if Doctor Jones might once have been a man, or was soon to become one. In any case, it was an aesthetic pleasure to watch the doctor walk along those corridors.
Eventually we arrived at a door and in the room on the other side was indeed a laboratory: a forensic and chemistry sort of set up. There were microscopes and monitors, beakers, jars and bottles. Doctor Jones hastened me over to a bench, on which there was a microscope and a monitor. She asked me to pass her the eye bath. She placed the vessel on the bench, then continued pretty much where she'd left off:
"They don't move like anything I recognise. And I've seen big and small things in this job, with anywhere between no legs and over 700. When I first saw what you had, I thought you'd brought them to a vet because they'd come from a pet..." She was very pretty.
"Sorry," I interrupted. "People have brought in ticks and lice from their pet dogs, or cats or whatever?"
"Yes. I'm guessing you don't have a house pet because if you think about it, bringing in one or two parasites is quite logical. We can identify the type of parasite and advise or prescribe accordingly. Of course, if we have any reason to think the host animal may need something more than home treatment, then we'll have them in. Most of the time though, it's a simple course of treatment in the pet's home. We have to see the animal once the infection has gone, but bringing the parasite alone in first means that the house pet isn't unnecessarily stressed and doesn't cross contaminate other animals." She was very clever.
"That does make sense. But these are not parasites?" I pointed at my eye bath.
"They could be. It's just that I don't think they're organic."
"So what now?"
"Well, first I'll need to prepare a petri dish and apply an adhesive surface."
"So they can't escape. Mr Fry, you said they just appeared on a sheet of paper in your typewriter."
"They did. I'd been away from my desk and I knew they'd not been there before, because one of them was a full stop which I would not have put in the middle of a sentence; Or a decimal point in the wrong place; I can't remember. Anyway, I noticed them when I came back to my desk and as I started to look closer - to see if I'd typed something incorrectly - one of them moved. Then the other one did. I must admit, the first things I thought of doing were either brushing them or blowing them away. It would seem that might have been a mistake."
"But at the time, you'd have just been blowing or brushing a foreign body away. You certainly wouldn't have given a thought to looking close enough at such tiny things to see that they weren't in fact punctuation marks. These things are the size of a full stop on a page of a magazine; a couple of specks of dust. It does make you wonder how many more you might have brushed or blown away, doesn't it?"
"It does now. So I caught them, wondered where to take them and decided on a vet. And this is all going rather splendidly Doctor."
"It's not my average day, Mr Fry. So, you, me, or anyone at all, may or may not have just brushed these things aside without realising."
"So there could be millions, billions of these little machines, if that's what they are. That presents some really quite alarming scenarios in my day job."
"Then there are the other questions, Mr Fry: Where did they come from? These could be the only two of course. If they were to escape, where would they go? But you're the fiction writer Mr Fry, so I'll let you show me where we go from here. So, that's why I'll treat the petri dish with an adhesive before I put the two of them in."
I pondered aloud whether the doctor might be outside of her comfort zone. As it turned out, she had degrees in the sciences and her PhD was in human psychology. After all of that, she said she'd decided to work with animals. Doctor Jones was a scientist and although I had no formal qualifications, in effect, so was I, such is the scientific knowledge I've acquired in the course of my research. Where her learning was structured, mine came from fumbling around various fields. Mine was an imaginative qualification: an honorary doctorate in the power of the imagination. I imagined that Doctor Jones made a lot more money than me but she seemed to enjoy her work as much as I do mine. Given that she was clearly quite a brilliant scientist, I took it as a compliment that she didn't dismiss any of my fanciful ideas. We made a good team.
What followed were orchestral manoeuvres of lab equipment, as Doctor Jones prepared the dish then raised a pipette. She pierced the cling film on the eye bath, then sucked up the two machines from the great rise of the robots which had taken place on my typewriter earlier. Then two small dots, barely bigger than the full stops on this page, fell into the pristine ocean in the dish. And stayed there.
It was actually quite sad. I'd only seen these things under a magnifying glass and even then, they were grains of cous cous. They had no features and we were yet to gain even the first idea of what they might be. But I had watched them moving and now they were trapped, like paralysed leviathans in the vastness of a petri dish. Even though Doctor Jones said they weren't organic, how could she be totally sure? What if the adhesive ocean was toxic to them? If these were indeed the only two of their kind, we could be responsible for an extinction. If there were millions or billions of these things around, constantly being brushed aside, blown away or sucked into a vacuum cleaner must have limited their breeding opportunities in any case. Maybe that's why dust accumulates and seems to breed. Perhaps there are trillions of nano robots smaller than dust particles, all around us. It's the kind of idea beloved of fiction writers because it could very well be true. There's just no way of proving one way or the other: It's a paradox.
Returning to the true story I was writing, Doctor Jones got to the exciting bit: She readied the microscope. We were to put Dot and Dash under a traditional, optical microscope first, so that the lens looked like an enormous plasma cannon, bearing down on life forms, frozen and forced to witness their own destruction.
Doctor Jones looked into the microscope first: she was already there. She carried on looking, while I just wondered. Then she turned the lenses of the microscope, so that now the central cannon was above the robots. She looked for some while longer. Had the subjects of her study mesmerised her; against her will? Had they reversed the cannon, and were now firing lasers into her eyes? Were they transmitting a signal and filling her mind with propaganda? What could Hannah see? What could see Hannah? I wanted to ask; to call out. All of a sudden, Doctor Jones seemed lost.
Soon, the largest, longest, most powerful barrel was pointed at these strange creatures: a channel which had been established between them and Doctor Jones. Then Hannah said another surprising thing: "Fucking hell."
I didn't know if she was reacting to something she'd just seen, or something fired into her eye, or her mind. She might be about to kill me. She rose slowly from the microscope and looked at me.
"Mr Fry." That's me. "What the fuck?" I didn't know.
Doctor Jones looked as lost in the eyes as she'd sounded before that third barrel. They'd drilled into her brain. Or she'd killed them.
One of many things I've learned while writing fiction is that if someone passes out, the first thing they'll remember when they wake up will be the last they saw or heard before they went off. She'd not fainted but I looked Doctor Jones directly in the eyes and said, "What the fuck!?" She seemed a little taken aback but we were back in the room at least.
"What the fuck, Mr Fry; What the fuck are you breeding at your house?"
"Doctor, as I explained, these two things appeared on my typewriter. And now we are here. May I see what you just saw?"
"Your story is about to get a bit weirder. Go ahead." Doctor Jones stepped away from the microscope. I walked towards her. It was more of a stride actually, as I placed myself between the good doctor and the imminent danger under the lens. For a moment, I felt quite pleased with myself.
Suddenly, it were as though I was far above the earth. Through the window of my plane, on the ocean below, I saw a ship. I couldn't begin to guess at the vessel's size but it was heavily armed. It was cigar shaped, with large cannons bow and stern. Smaller guns ran the length of the ship on both sides and the whole thing was covered by an elliptical dome. This is the one I'd called Dash.
I panned across the static ocean from the starboard side of the vessel to Dot. This second one was circular. It had guns protruding all around its perimeter and was also covered by a domed roof. At the very top was another dome; semi-transparent: the bridge? I swore I could see movement beneath that second glass dome. Even at 1000x magnification, they were just dots but they were moving. What the fuck, indeed.
Doctor Jones moved the petri dish to an electron microscope. "Ten million times magnification and sound as well."
"Yup. Tiny little amplifying microphones, so we can hear what they're saying." Now this, I was looking forward to. This was rather exciting, given the potential enormity of our discovery, even though it was miniscule. Then I wondered at that figure: 10,000,000x magnification. What would we see at that level? What detail.
Doctor Jones divided the monitor into two; split screen, with one camera on each vessel: Dot was on the right and Dash on the left. Then she started to tune in a radio, because "We need to tune into their frequency."
"Might there not be translation problems? I mean, a language barrier?"
"Have you never heard of the Babel fish, Mr Fry?"
"Well, of course, but..."
"We have a computer program, called Babel fish. I was one of the coders in fact. I was doing some research into animal languages, because they do have a vocabulary you know? Most of it isn't audible to us and what is, we hear as a foreign language; animal sounds. But in those sounds alone, there are a lot of variations. When you then consider the majority of the language spectrum which we can't hear, you realise that pretty much all animals have quite complex language systems. Eventually I was hoping to apply it to my veterinary work, so that I could hear what the animals were saying."
"So why didn't you?"
"Emotional detachment. It's very difficult to leave my job at the surgery. Imagine how much harder it would be if the animals could talk to me."
"Imagination is my job, Doctor. That really is quite a mind blowing thought. But your Babel fish program works?"
"Alarmingly, yes. It required a lot of input: different sounds, variations of them and frequencies; varied physical anatomies of the speakers; sounds in relation to catalysts and so on: Crunch all of that data in a quantum computer and it didn't take long to come up with the Babel fish."
"So the Babel fish program really can do what the Babel fish of legend did, albeit in a different way? It can translate any language to and from any other?"
"Like the Babel fish. It has many applications and huge potential. At a personal level though, I just didn't think I was ready. You're probably surprised, Mr Fry."
"I'm amazed that the Babel fish really exists but I'm not surprised at your personal choice: It is a truly gargantuan step to take. On the one hand, opening your mind to the unimagined, but on the other, potentially catastrophic."
"I'm glad you understand, Mr Fry. But in our current situation, I think it's the right thing to do. If these things are just nano machines, they exhibit a level of artificial intelligence which might have an audible language. If there's something organic inside and if we assume that they built these ships, then they must be intelligent. But to be the kind of multi-celled organisms which are capable of thought, they'd be too small. They'd have to exist at a sub-atomic level. Quantum beings. Wouldn't that just blow the mind?"
"And I thought I was the writer. That is quite an incredible concept. There would have to be sub, sub, sub-atomic particles which we've never even imagined. Entire universes within an atom." My mind wandered in the static from the radio. Then Doctor Jones hit something: a signal.
There were two distinctly different sounds which alternated, seemingly at random. The first was a low-pitched, gargling drone. It had no regularity; It varied a lot, in speed and octave. It was certainly artificial; It definitely wasn't interference. The second sound was more of a collection of sounds: high-pitched squeaks and clicks, low growls and whoops; and a third, whispering and rasping noise. "Ready for the Babel fish, Mr Fry?"
"Those are voices," I offered.
"That's what I'm thinking. There's only one way to find out and that's to eavesdrop on the conversation."
"I know." I paused. "I know that. You know that. I don't know though. I don't know if I want to. I don't know if I'm ready, doctor."
"Just as I'm still not ready to hear what the animals I treat are saying. But this is different."
"I can see that. Of all the metaphorical, theoretical, figurative switches I've ever written about, this is by far the one with the biggest stories, once it's switched on. The moral and philosophical issues are ones which we may have to address later. This is potentially first contact with beings from another world; another galaxy; another universe." And then our world changed, as soon as we switched the Babel fish on.
"You had no business following us. This was our mission." The first was a deep voice, a little excited.
"No it wasn't. You stole our plans." This second voice was an accusatory, loud whisper.
"Let's look around", said Hannah. "Let's see who's talking."
Doctor Jones took hold of a joystick on the microscope console and moved in first towards dash. I'd not seen an electron microscope like this but the fiction writer thanked the inventor for the opportunities this was about to open. As the doctor moved the joystick around, it were as though she was controlling a tiny space ship in a video game. We positioned ourselves just off the starboard side of Dash, so that we could see the side of the ship. We'd seen the elliptical dome on top from above, and the cannons below it. Below those though were portholes running the length of the vessel and spread over three levels below deck. Starting with the uppermost, we zoomed in and peered through a window: There were animals inside.
Through the top row of portholes, we saw a jungle. There were apes in the trees and above them, birds in the canopy. There were apes on the ground. There were snakes in the trees and on the jungle floor. There were white mice on the ground and in burrows beneath it. There were also snakes beneath the ground.
The middle row of windows looked into a subterranean world of serpents and mice, before giving way to the bottom deck. Somewhere between the middle and lower decks, terra firma gave way to water: a clear blue underground ocean, teeming with dolphins and whales. What must those marine mammals see in the sky above them? The underside of the earth? A beige-brown sky which sometimes rained food, as mice and snakes dropped into the water? Serpents swam in the ocean too.
We scanned back up the side of the ship but above the jungle deck was just the domed roof and the weapons. It was only from this angle that we spotted something we'd never have seen from above: Antennae extending above the ship. There were three masts on the dome and a single white dove perched briefly on the central one before flying off. It was a microcosm environment; It was an ark. Dolphins and white mice: perhaps Douglas Adams had been right.
I had a hunch and asked Hannah if we could take a look at the bow of the ship. She manoeuvred our camera into position and my suspicion was confirmed as something else we'd not been able to see from above hove into view on the monitor: The domed roof overhung a row of windows above the upper deck. We were looking into the bridge of the ship.
There were three seats, only the central of which was occupied. Such a configuration in science fiction would have the first officer and ship's counsel seated either side of the captain. In the centre seat was a snake and hanging in front of it was a microphone, extended down from the ceiling of the bridge. The captain and the owner of the whispered, rasping voice was a serpent.
I had studied herpetology and I knew snakes. There are roughly 3000 species of ophidians known to live on earth: From the tiny thread snake at around seven inches in length, to the reticulated python, which can reach 30 feet. Snakes can thrive in trees: one can fly; They can climb and burrow, existing above and below ground; They can swim and live in both fresh and salt water. They can be found on all continents except Antarctica. They are reptiles and as such, they have cold blood, but they are adaptable and incredibly efficient hunters and survivors.
Only about 10% of snake species are venomous and of those, only a few pose any threat to man. Not far down any list of the most venomous snakes is the legendary Black Mamba. There are snakes which are more venomous but the black mamba is undoubtedly the most dangerous of all snakes. An untreated bite from one doesn't so much make you wish that you were dead, as pray that death itself would end. They grow up to 12 feet in length and they are fast. They're also explosively aggressive. There is a documented case of a black mamba pursuing a bull elephant, biting it and the elephant succumbing to the venom. The black mamba knows no fear. And despite the name, black mambas are not black: They are grey, tending toward the lighter shades. It's the inside of their mouths which is totally black: a bite which delivers hell. Untreated bites from this species are 100% fatal. The estimated human fatality count from a maximum dose of venom is 42. I was mesmerised by this incredible snake.
Here, in the central command seat on the bridge of a heavily armed vessel, sat a black mamba. And from the pitch black mouth, came whispered, rasping words into the microphone:
"You stole our plans: You are welcome to them. The plans brought you here. You are not welcome here. You overlooked one thing and it ought to be pretty obvious by now what that was."
If it wasn't so worrying, it would have made for a riveting story. We floated over to Dot:
"Your plans?" The deep voice again. "It was our plan to find God"
We zoomed in to the upper dome of Dot, where a group of men were gathered around a table. "Name this oversight of which you speak", one of them continued.
"Well, it wasn't an oversight as such", replied the snake. "After all, how can something be overlooked if it's not even there? You stole the plans for your ship from us. We knew you would, so we moved a few things around and left one crucial thing out. But first, let me be clear about something: You're on a mission to find God. Does the bible not forbid such a thing?"
"No, you misunderstand. We are missionaries, come to spread the word and convert the people of this and other planets to our beliefs. So that eventually, all of God's creatures throughout the universe are united in faith."
"It was for that exact reason that we left the old planet. There's no god, you deluded fool."
"What are you talking about, snake?"
"I speak a basic fact, man: There is no god."
"Blasphemy! Take that back, or I shall fire upon you!"
"Fucking hell", I said.
"Don't worry", said Doctor Jones. "He won't do it."
"Why not?" I asked.
"Because he needs whatever the crucial thing is from mister snake here."
This was getting quite exciting: Two warring factions, one threatening the destruction of the other with weapons poised. In a petri dish, under an electron microscope. They continued:
"You need something which I have", continued the mamba. "So I'll say it again: there is no god."
"Damn you, you; you..."
"Yes, punished by God, forever to slither on the ground."
"Are you getting angry, man? "Bite me": Please say it."
"I like this mamba guy", said the doctor.
"He's, er, a character", I concurred.
"Evil serpent!" Said one of the men.
"Define Evil, man. Is it not a subjective word? What one sees as evil, another may see as good. If evil is just bad stuff, then why is there so much of it on the planet we fled? A planet which you hold that your god made?"
"Aha!" Said man. "God must punish his creation for the original sin."
"And if I had hands", said the snake, "you'd have just walked right into them. The original sin: The forbidden fruit. But non-humans also suffer fires, floods and earthquakes, yet we are not descended from Adam and Eve. Ergo, man, your god does not exist and none of us on my ship are creatures of any god."
The mamba paused and it seemed effective. Then he continued:
"Have you not noticed that you're a little on the small side? Your ship, I mean."
"Yours isn't much bigger."
"True. But you probably expected to hang menacingly in the sky, with entire cities in the shadow of your ship, fearing you. If you look around, you're not. We moved a decimal point in the plans."
"But your ship is the same size as ours."
"Indeed. Because we needed to be this size to pass through the wormhole which transported us here. But what were we to do once we got here? Simple, run the restore routine and return ourselves to our natural size. Only us and not the ship: that would make us a bit conspicuous. Just the crew, then we just disperse among the other creatures on this new planet and no-one knows. You see, the plans for your ship don't have that restore function. So you're a bit fucked really, aren't you?"
"I think I'm falling in love with a black mamba", said the doctor.
"So what now?" I asked.
"Well, we clearly need to intervene."
"But that would go against the prime directive: we would be interfering with an alien species. We'd be playing God."
"Mr Fry, they're unaware of us. Our comparatively enormous size effectively makes us invisible. I have a plan."
Doctor Jones removed the petri dish from the microscope and picked up a magnifying glass and some tweezers. "Let's get a coffee."
Doctor Hannah Jones and I sat in the centre of a park with the petri dish placed on the grass between us, drinking coffee, chatting and laughing: The perfect beginning of another story. She took the tweezers and the magnifying glass from her pocket and carefully lifted Dash from the adhesive. "Hold out your hand. Time to say goodbye."
I looked at the incredible little thing in the palm of my hand, now moving around again. Then I held my hand to my mouth and gently blew the ship into the wind.
Hannah was studying Dot beneath the magnifying glass. It's amazing how things just spontaneously combust at that magnification.
"What a strange day, Hannah."
"You made it that way, Simon." I was about to ask and then Hannah answered: "I read your registration form."
(C) Steve Laker, 2016.
[…] Burnside and Haile Selassie has moved many readers to tears, as has Echo Beach to a lesser extent. Cyrus Song made people smile. COGS repulsed readers, and The Perpetuity of Memory made at least one physically […]
ReplyDelete[…] by Stephen Hawking, sampled by Pink Floyd in “Keep Talking” which prompted me to write Cyrus Song. All of the above, current affairs and scientific research is fuel for the fiction writer. And […]