I write a lot, I read a lot and I think far too much. I watch TV and movies, and I think some more. Pretty much every blog entry I write for clients as a freelancer gives me an idea for a story. I have piles of media, a lot of which I'll probably never get to. I have short stories and books planned, but most won't see the light of day in my lifetime. I have a lot of stories inside me and many won't be told.
I also have a new fridge freezer. I've not had one for the last three years, through a lack of space and money born of a transient life. Now that I have the financial means but with little space, I've got a mini unit, clearly designed with the caravan and studio-dweller in mind. It's a neat little thing: The size of a standard fridge and it's black with chrome door handles. It looks like a short and stocky Darth Vader; How he might look in Minecraft. It's opened up all sorts of refreshment ideas to have on hand in The Studio, where I live and write. It's stocked with snacks, chilled coffee and fizzy drinks.
On any given day, Darth Vader dispenses refreshment like I do opinion: spewed forth for grateful recipients of propoganda. There's a certain irony to being a contemporary left-wing thinker, having my drinks served by a reduced right-wing terrorist. But then, I live in the once United Kingdom; a divided nation, under the rule of a stealth dictator in the form of Theresa Hitler.
The problem most of the far right have, is the same as other fanatics: They're passionate about being "right" and get frustrated with themselves when their limited intelligence and vocabulary can't convert others to their cause. They're all sadomasochists.
So they retreat and devise mechanisms by which the opposition is silenced and the gullible follow like sheep who read The Sun newspaper. I wouldn't wipe my left-wing arse with that pulp fiction.
A lot of me goes into a story: Experience, beliefs, persuasions and deviances. Fiction takes a long time to write, if you're any good. Sometimes I just type away on the laptop, not knowing where the writing will go. Occasionally, I'll write a really good story. Usually though, it's just stream-of-consciousness stuff. Like when I was writing a blog entry for a client today about actors. I wrote the article, submitted it and invoiced the client. Afterwards, I thought more about the word, “Actor”.
The evolution of "Actor" into a non-gender specific term is a recent phenomenon and one for the good. Even though the term "Actress" fell out of the general vernacular only recently, in liberal circles at least, the word is practically archaic. Is it now time to consider other gender specific words, or will our recent evolution continue and simply take care of it?
Might "heroine" go the way of actress, so that both males and females are all heroes? Is the modern move towards de-sexualization sufficient alone to do away with historical masculine associations with words once used only in a male context? How do male and female groups feel about all of this? Perhaps if we can move away from our sexual insecurities, it might be easier to evolve into a more generic, non-specific societal mindset quite seamlessly.
If the same ideal might then be applied to greater causes of conflict and discrimination (race and religion mainly), we arguably have fewer things to define us; We all become the same. But we are all the same: We are human. Remove all secularization and we all think the same. Only then do we have the chance to discover what really defines us: Our individuality.
Economic and historical scholars will agree that history repeats and that economies follow historical cycles. Right now, we could be headed for a period of unrest, rebellion and conflict, at home and in the world around us. After the storm, comes calm and it could just be that eventually, we realise in the midst of the calm that there's another way.
So that's yet another story for yet another day. And if I never get to write it, at least I've planted a seed.
I write a lot, read a lot and think far too much. Most people get a cold drink from the fridge. Mine comes from my in-house Minecraft Darth Vader.
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