Who's afraid of Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings?


Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings

Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings was a poet who wrote the worst poetry in the universe. In fact, her poetry is still considered to be the worst in the Galaxy, closely followed by that of the Azgoths of Kria and the Vogons, in that order. Well, we'll see about that...

I'm between chapters and at a transitional stage with writing my next book, where Mr Fry is currently awaiting the arrival of a package from Norway. I'm aware that I need to write more to find out what happens next, but sometimes I take a break between chapters to review things. On this particular sojourn, I took a wander around the part of my brain labelled Douglas Adams / John Hegley, writing “poetry”, like this:

The difference between cats and cars
Not many cats have windows
and not many cars have fur
When you stroke a car it’s not very likely
that it’ll purr

If it’s got wheels it’s probably not a cat
and if it’s got claws it’s probably not a car
It’s not a very good idea to fill a cat
with four star

The difference between cats and dogs
Cats meow
Dogs don't
Dogs do as they're told
Cats won't

A cat is not a dog
And a dog is not a cat
They're like people
It's as simple as that

The difference between dogs and cars
You can't sit in a dog
and drive it
If a dog runs you over
You'll probably survive it

And finally, my epic: Road Trip...

Road Trip
I like a satnav
If I'm going on a trip, I plan it
So if I want to go to Whitstable
I don't end up in Thanet

You're welcome.
